ISA dates

Year 12: You will sit your unit 1 ISA experiment on Monday 3rd March period 4 (and 5 if necessary).  You will sit the written paper on Monday 10th March period 4, it lasts 60 minutes, so ensure your tutor is aware you may be 5-10 mins late for registration.  YOU CAN NOT BE OFF ON EITHER OF THESE DATES, OTHERWISE YOU WILL ONLY BE ABLE TO USE THE UNIT 2 ISA AND NOT HAVE THE CHOICE OF SENDING FORWARD YOUR  BEST RESULT.


Year 13: You will set up your unit 4 ISA experiment on Thursday 6th March period 4.  You will conduct part 2 of the experiment on Thursday 13th March period 4 (and 5 if necessary).  You will sit the written paper on Thursday 20th March period 4, it lasts 60 minutes, you may need to warn your tutor you could be 5-10 mins late for PM registration on that day. YOU CAN NOT BE OFF ON EITHER OF THESE DATES, OTHERWISE YOU WILL ONLY BE ABLE TO USE THE UNIT 5 ISA AND NOT HAVE THE CHOICE OF SENDING FORWARD YOUR  BEST RESULT.